Become a force for change

Leadership Edge’s life-on-life mentoring equips growing leaders for a lifetime of God-honoring influence in their marriages, families, careers, communities, and churches. Mentoring changes everything.


Leadership development through life-on-life mentoring

For nearly 30 years, our approach has focused on developing authentic life-on-life mentoring relationships in which the mentor and mentee live out a God-centered and biblically-based vision for their daily lives. We call this vision the Life Vision Statement: By God’s grace, to step forward as God’s man or woman, in my spheres of influence, to serve His purposes, for His glory.


Why do we exist?

We believe the world needs strong Christian leaders and that any believer, by God’s grace, can be an effective leader within his or her spheres of influence. God uses God-honoring leaders to establish His kingdom and His will on earth for His glory.

At LEI, we inspire and equip mentors who will encourage, instruct, and walk alongside growing leaders. A lifestyle of mentoring, much like Jesus had with His disciples, provides vision, direction, and transformational life impact that lasts and multiplies to others.

Our Process

Our training is hosted in Leadership Edge ADVANCE and consists of four online courses, accompanied by four live web sessions with teaching and integration by a facilitator and other mentors-in-training. Leadership Edge Mentors receive extensive exposure to our adaptable and intentional philosophy of Christian mentoring to have lifelong impact in mentees’ lives.

Our Team

Leadership Edge is a global community of staff, mentors, alumni, volunteers, and financial supporters. These people are aligned with our vision and mission and generously steward their God-given time, talent, and treasure through LEI. The primary metropolitan areas in which we serve are Durham-Chapel Hill, NC; Dallas, TX; and the San Francisco Bay Area.

Our Impact

“Leadership Edge Mentoring radically changed the way I view my personal calling and has equipped me to step forward wherever God has me…” – Leadership Edge Alum

Two women smiling for the camera at an event

Leadership Edge Mentoring

Our mentoring is a life-on-life experience between a mentor and mentee oriented toward a vision for Christ-centered, world-changing influence. Whether meeting over coffee or a meal or spending time doing some kind of activity together, the mentor and mentee have intentional conversations that include: prayer, Scripture reading, leadership frameworks and tools, coaching, and debriefing of lessons learned.

Leadership Edge Resources

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PO Box 51657, Durham, NC 27717, United States