An eternal investment

Life-on-life experiences

Leadership Edge Mentoring is a life-on-life relational experience between a mentor and mentee oriented toward a biblically-based vision for Christ-centered, world-changing influence. Whether meeting over coffee or a meal, or spending time in an activity together, the mentor and mentee have intentional conversations that revolve around prayer, Scripture, leadership frameworks and tools, coaching, and debriefing of lessons learned.

Lead where you are

Any Christian can be a leader in his or her spheres of influence. You are not restricted to the marketplace or by your position or title. Everything that God has blessed you with, time, talent, and treasure, can be used for the benefit of another. As a follower of Christ, you can become a mentor and make a profound difference in the life of a mentee.

Register for Mentor Training

Mentor training equips Christians to become Leadership Edge Mentors, so that they can fulfill the vision of leaders stepping forward by God’s grace in their spheres of influence to serve His purposes for His glory. We develop the kind of leaders our world needs by engaging students, young professionals and other growing leaders at an age and stage in life in which their most important views on life, leadership, and values are still being formed.

Consisting of three live training sessions, with corresponding independent study, LEI Mentor Training equips you with the knowledge and skills to provide authentic life-on-life mentoring that impacts the entire life of developing leaders. With our Biblically-based content, practical application, small class sizes, and supportive learning environment, Leadership Edge Mentor Training will supply you with the tools you need to effectively mentor others for the glory of God.


Next Mentor Training Cohort Begins January 2025








The purpose

We mentor because we believe:

  • Our surrounding culture today desperately needs Christ-centered leaders who lead with integrity and excellence in all spheres of their lives to impact the world around them.
  • Every Christian is called to a vital relationship with Christ and to Christ-centered influence in all of life, for God’s glory.
  • Many young Christian adults desire to serve God and have influence but lose their focus and miss their full potential because they lack vision and direction (Proverbs 29:18).
  • Life-on-life mentorship, much like Jesus had with His disciples, provides vision, direction and transformational life impact that lasts and multiplies to others.

The people

  • The mentor is a committed, mature Christian, who has been trained as a Leadership Edge Mentor.
  • The mentee is typically a believer who is younger and/or less spiritually mature than the mentor yet already possesses the basic foundations of Christian faith. This can be a student or an adult a season or two behind the mentor.
  • Our hope is that our mentees develop Christ-centered, world-changing influence with a clear vision for their lives. We also hope to instill in them an aspiration to mentor others to have the same vision and influence.

The perspective

The Life Vision Statement is the core aspiration of the mentoring relationship, for both the mentor and mentee. By God’s grace, to step forward as God’s man or woman, in my spheres of influence, to serve His purposes, for His glory. The mentor facilitates the mentoring, but we believe that the Holy Spirit is the Master Mentor. This belief has kept us from building Leadership Edge Mentoring around an extensive curriculum or around a mentor “dump-trucking” his/her “wisdom” on a mentee. Rather, Leadership Edge Mentoring is prayerfully built around intentional conversations and debriefing key experiences that prepare the mentee for greater influence and impact.

Course design



LEI Mentoring introduction


Mentors’ Core Attributes


Develop skills to mentor & GUIDE GROWTH



Upcoming courses

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Know someone who wants to be mentored?

Connect them with Leadership Edge!