Keys for Effective Mentoring

October 29, 2018 |
Mentoring, Podcast

Keys to Effective Mentoring

John Hawkins, long-time mentor and founder of Leadership Edge, Inc. (LEI) discusses three keys that he has found through the years which lead to effective Christian mentoring. In this interview with his daughter Laura, he presents that the goal of Christian mentoring is to help the mentee become more like Christ. Keys to mentoring are:

  • Having a prayerful dependence on God recognizing the HE is the master mentor
  • Having a clearly defined purpose and focus for the relationship that is both flexible and adaptable
  • Intentional selection of the mentor and mentee that fits with the purpose and focus of the relationship

The effectiveness of the mentoring relationship can be evaluated over time by discerning if God-honoring change is occurring in the mentee’s life. 

For more of John’s thoughts on life, leadership and mentoring visit

Proven Concepts and Practices for Christian Living, Leadership and Mentoring


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