A lifetime investment

Our history

Since its founding, Leadership Edge has invested deeply in the next generation of leaders. What started as college movements has now expanded to global impact for God’s glory across numerous spheres of influence.


Leadership Edge is Incorporated

Mentoring relationships begin at TCU.

LEI expands to Duke

Over the next 20 years, LEI would grow to SMU, Harvard, Stanford, and UNC.



Reaching more

First women’s mentoring relationship.

A new vision

LEI expands beyond college campuses.



New leadership

Todd Melby is hired as President and John Hawkins shifts to Founder role.

Global impact

More than 600 men and women have been mentored through Leadership Edge. Today these men and women live in over 40 states in the US, as well as in Great Britain, the Sudan, Uganda, Switzerland, Singapore, Germany, Japan, plus multiple others serving as US military overseas.


Mentoring leaders since 1993


Mentors trained overall

People Adopting the Life Vision Statement

Countries Served

“What we had a gut feeling about in 1993 is even more true today…”


  • 22% of Millennials identify as practicing Christians
  • 29% of Millennials and 16% of Gen Z prioritize the pursuit of spiritual maturity
  • 63% of churchgoers have not heard or cannot explain the Great Commission

(Barna Faithview 2019)

Our findings

  • A majority of mentors and mentees observe themselves turning spiritual disciplines into actions of faith
  • As a result of LEI Mentoring, both mentors and mentees increase their regularity of applying the Bible to their lives and the lives of others
  • 92% of mentors and mentees indicate that they are more dependent on the Holy Spirit as a result of their mentoring relationships
  • Mentees consistently see mentoring as a path to continuous improvement in many areas of life including academics, career, spiritual life, and personal life

Lasting impact

Want to get involved with LEI mentoring?