No Wasted Lives

No Wasted Lives

Whether one of many years or few, a wasted life is a tragedy. Join Laura and John as they discuss how to live your life according to its intended purpose.
No Wasted Lives

Managing for the Glory of God

Washing socks, handing out doughnuts and coffee and the glory of God. How do these three things fit together? Listen in as Laura and John talk about how daily menial tasks provide great opportunities to glorify God. Resource: Managing for the Glory of God
No Wasted Lives

Countdown to Retirement

Retirement can be a transition to a great season of life or a movement into disappointment and futility. In this episode, Laura and John talk about John’s upcoming retirement and what it means to him. Listeners will gain practical, Biblical insights no matter...
No Wasted Lives

God’s Part and Ours

In large responsibilities and small, Christians understand that God has a part and we have a part. Listen in as Laura and John discuss “God’s Part and Ours” from a Biblical and practical perspective. You’ll find in this episode helpful insight...
No Wasted Lives

Two Tests for God-honoring Leadership

Volodymyr Zelensky has become an internationally acclaimed example of effective leadership. In this episode, Laura and John discuss Zelensky as a leader and then extend their discussion to the area of God-honoring leadership. As you listen, you’ll learn of Two...