Gen X, Gen Y, Gen Z, Gen A? Generational cohorts are helpful for Christians to understand. And yet...
Proven Perspectives
Making Disciples Who Lead
In this episode, Laura and John take a fresh look at the Great Commission in Matthew 28:16-20. In...
Training That Sticks
We often find ourselves in the position of training others, whether it's instructing our children...
The Impact of Life-on-Life Mentoring
Life-on-life mentoring was consistently essential in developing the leaders of the first-century...
My Life for Yours
God calls every Christian to be involved in ministry to others. This can take various forms...
The Amazing Blessing of Church Membership
The Bible says that the Church is the Body of Christ. Among all that this means, it certainly...
To Love and To Cherish
"To love and to cherish till death us do part" is a fundamental phrase in Christian wedding vows....
Knowing God – Life’s Great Privilege and Purpose
Knowing God is the great privilege and purpose to which all Christians are called. But the...
The Great Value of a Few Good Friends
Men were made by God for Christian brotherhood. And yet so many Christian men go through life on...